Sold Out
Price Per Plot
15,000,000 UGX
Plot Size
50 x 100 ft
Distance from road
2.00 km
Total Plots
42 Plots
Remaining Plots
0 Plots

Beyichini Rwobuyenje II (MWERE) Estate.

This is located in Mwere Cell, just behind Lato Milk, 2Km from Tarmac (Mbarara - Masaka highway). 

With wide and good access roads, freehold land title, water and near access to electricity. The land is gently sloping with a good view of the neighbourhood.

This land is ideal for a home near town or rental and apartments.

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Free Inspection

Inspection of this and other properties is free by appointment. Make sure to talk to one of our agents ahead of time to set a schedule.


Tel: +256 703 562 094 / +256 788 477 322

Physical Address

Come to our office on Plot 09, Shell Makenke, Mbarara – Masaka Road.

Mbarara City.

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