For those intending to buy Land in the districts of Mbarara, Kiruhura, Ibanda and Oyam, you will or might have already met the word SLAAC along the way. No need to push the panic button, it's a project under the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Lands and Urban Development. The main goal of this project is;

  • To protect land owners by issuing them with legal documents/titles of ownership.
  • To safeguard the land tenure system of Uganda.
  • And to modernise land delivery, among others.


SLAAC is a short form for Systematic Land Adjudication And Certification. It's an initiative of the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development with help from the World Bank.

As part of Land Tenure Reform, the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (MoLHUD) developed a second Land Sector Strategic Plan (LSSPII) which is intended to provide the operational framework for advancing land sector reforms necessary to frame and safeguard Uganda’s land tenure system and rights for land users; streamline and modernise land delivery; encourage optimal use of land and natural resources; and facilitate broad-based socioeconomic advancement without overburdening and threatening the national ecological balance.

One of the objectives of the LSSP II is “to increase availability, accessibility and affordability of land information for planning and development”.  A key strategy to achieve this objective is to review and roll out a national program of systematic land adjudication and certification (SLAAC).

SLAAC Project is aimed at mapping and processing of land titles for selected parishes in the districts of Mbarara, Kiruhura, Ibanda and Oyam in Uganda.

The survey and mapping consultancy was awarded to a Nigerian firm GIS/Transport.